Entitlement to disability benefits for EU and third-countries citizens who are residents of Greece

Most disability entitlements presuppose living in Greece, as they are mainly provided through social security bodies (health care and medical provisions, cash benefits and assistive equipment), social welfare (benefits and health care for the uninsured) and the Greek Manpower Organization, where it concerns employment. All disability entitlements run on a national scheme, which means that mobility within the country does not obstruct eligibility or access to entitlements.

As regards entitlement of EU citizens and their family members (either EU or third-countries citizens) to disability provisions in Greece, this is dependent on their residency status, with the exception of receiving health-care during a short -stay in Greece (for holders of the European Health Card).

As a general rule, anyone (EU or other national) who is working and living legally in Greece, i.e. is insured, is considered resident and is entitled to the same provisions as Greek disabled citizens.

The Presidential Decree 106/2007 (Official Journal of Government 135/21-6-2007), which transposed the EU Directive 2004/38/ΕC regarding free movement and residency of European Citizens and their family members in Greece, informs on the conditions for acquiring residency status.

Residency for more than 3 months presupposes that the person is working in Greece (i.e. is insured), is attending an education establishment, or has declared that they have sufficient funds so as not to burden social welfare.

The right to preserve residency when someone is not working, is furthermore permitted when they have become unwillingly unemployed and are registered at the Greek Manpower Organization (OAED), or in instances of temporary illness/accident.

It seems that, an EU or third-countries citizen with disability who cannot work upon arrival, can claim welfare benefits as a resident of Greece only as a family member of an EU national who fulfills the above requirements (Article 3).

Permanent residency is acquired after staying under above conditions for 5 years in Greece, during which period they have not been absent for more than two consecutive years. It should also be noted that family members of an EU citizen (who is entitled to residency) who come from third countries are granted residency, or permanent residency after 5 years.

Residents and permanent residents of Greece are entitled to equal treatment as Greek citizens in areas as defined in the Convention of European Communities. The only exception is that Greece can withhold provision of social services for the first three months of residency, or for as long as an EU citizen is allowed to stay without having employment, which is permitted as long as they can prove that they are actively seeking employment and have a chance of being hired when they first arrive in Greece.

Finally, citizens from U.S.A, Canada, Quebec, Cyprus, Argentina, Brazil, Venezouela,Switzerland, New Zealand and Uruguay can freely transfer their social security to Greece and are entitled to equal provisions as Greek citizens according to two-way conventions of social security rights signed between Greece and respective countries.

The main disability entitlements in Greece are:
Disability Pension (social security)
De-institutionalization Benefit (for Paraplegia-Tetraplegia)
Welfare Benefits
Interest-free Housing loan, housing provision
Revenue Tax relief
Motor tax relief
Mobility Cash Benefit
Technical aids (social security)
Hospital treatment
Medical supplies and medicines
Disability Transport Card
Social Tourism (funded 7-day vacation)
Job placement (quota schemes)



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