Really Useful Things – Clever tips & practical solutions for independence in daily life

Really Useful Things was created in order to make life easier for disabled, older and injured people. And because nobody wants their home to look like a hospital ward, those products are more than just Really Useful – they also look good and fit in with everyday life.

For example, instead of having a special two handled mug or beaker why not accessorise the mugs you already have by adding a DUO handle for that extra grip and stability?
Or put an end to the problem of where to store your crutches or walking stick when you aren’t using them by adding Bridgit, our handy little clip that can join your crutches into a stable “X” shape or hook them over the back of a chair.

Examples of useful products for costumers with mobility disabilities

Uniflow Straws

Uniflow keeps liquid in the straw between sips
Uniflow straws have a valve in the base which keeps the liquid in the straw between sips. They help to reduce air intake when drinking through a straw and are ideal for those who find it difficult to maintain suction on the straw.
Uniflow straws can’t be used with fizzy drinks or thick liquids. The presence of the valve in the straw base slightly reduces the liquid flow rate compared with standard straws of this diameter.
Uniflow straws are extra long at 28cm and can be extended to be 33cm long thanks to a large flexible section.

Flexi Straws

Flexi Straws are coimpletely flexible and can be washed and reusedFlexi straws are soft, tough silicone straws that are flexible along their entire length. They are ideal for anyone who bites or chews on the straw as they don’t tear easily. They are also softer than a normal straw and won’t hurt the inside of the mouth if accidently pushed, while some users prefer the more tactile feedback of the silicone.
Flexi straws are 33cm long but can be trimmed using sharp scissors. They can be washed and reused.


Strawberi can be used with standard strawsStrawberi is a straw holder that holds the straw securely against the side of the glass, allowing you to drink hands free! It is ideal for anybody who prefers to use a straw to drink, or for anyone who may find it difficult to locate or steady a straw. It is also great for keeping a straw in a fizzy drink!
To use, simply put the straw through the straw hole and clip the strawberi over the rim of the glass. It also works really well on bottles and plastic beakers.


DUO works on mugs, glasses and bottlesDUO is an innovative ergonomic handle that attaches to everyday mugs, glasses and bottles, increasing grip and stability when drinking. It is a great alternative to 2 handled mugs or beakers, allowing everyone to use the same mugs as family and friends – ideal for using in cafes and restaurants. DUO’s wraparound style protects hands and fingers from hot mug surfaces, whilst its unique clip on design makes it easy to attach and detach without fuss.

The company (Such and Such Design) designs and manufactures all of the products in the UK.



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