Since 1999 until 2007 (latest available) disability is not counted in national statistical surveys for social inclusion (monetary terms) and social exclusion (non-monetary indicators such as fulfilling basic needs, social deprivation, quality of life). Data is analysed according to age, sex, work, level of education and type of household.
The rate of individuals below poverty line was 20% in 2007 (set threshold: 6.120€ per year for individuals and 12.852€ for a couple with two dependent children) against 19.6% in 2005. There remains a considerable difference with the EU-25 average at 16%, while the difference for people over 65 is much larger at 28% compared to 18% in EU-25.
68% of the individuals below poverty line are jobless, out of which 27% are pensioners and 33% are inactive, a fact demonstrating the importance of employment. Considering the fact that 83% of disabled people are economically inactive, while 8.9% are unemployed (national statistical survey 2002), it can be inferred that a considerable percentage of jobless people under the poverty line is constituted by disabled people.
Through self-identification, the National Labour Force and Health survey (2002) (please note this constitutes the only -sample- measurement of the population of disabled people in Greece) confirms that 40% of the economically inactive disabled people believe that they face social exclusion as a result, given insufficient benefits, unemployment and inadequacy of social services.
With regards to social deprivation, it was estimated in 2005 that 41,2% of the population could not meet urgent but necessary expenses, and 33,2% face difficulties in meeting regular needs with their salary.
Disability NOW (
December 2009