What is a Surrogate Partner?

A surrogate partner is a member of a three-way therapeutic team consisting of therapist, client and surrogate partner. The surrogate participates as a partner to the client in experiences designed to build the client’s skills in the areas of physical and emotional intimacy. This partnerwork includes exercises in communication, relaxation, sensual and sexual touching, and social skills training.

Each program is designed to increase the client s comfort and confidence. The involvement of the team therapist, a licensed and/or certified professional with an advanced degree, is a cornerstone of this therapy process. Sessions with the therapist are interwoven with the surrogate client sessions. Open, honest, consistent communication between all team members is a fundamental ingredient of successful surrogate partner therapy.

It is an experiential path of profound change that requires genuine commitment, time, and effort to create powerful, long-lasting results.

The substantial success rate of surrogacy has been proven over time. According to a leading sex researcher in San Francisco, surrogates have a 90% success rate in treating sexual concerns as well as significantly enhancing the joy of sex for others who want to enrich their enjoyment of intimacy.

Surrogacy is a clinically proven approach to resolving a wide variety of sexual and intimacy concerns. The training for surrogates is based upon the pioneering sexual break-through work of Masters and Johnson.

Reasons Clients Seek Surrogate Partner Therapy

The concerns that motivate clients to seek surrogate partner therapy often range from general social anxieties to specific sexual dysfunctions. Some common sexual concerns for male clients involve dissatisfaction with orgasm, ejaculation, and/or erection difficulties. Female clients sexual issues might involve difficulties with orgasmic release or with penetration. Clients of either gender may seek therapy to address problems relating to lack of experience; fear of intimacy; shame or anxiety regarding sex; low-level of arousal; lack of sexual desire.

Concerns for either gender might result from one of the following: medical conditions, negative body image or physical disfigurement; physical disabilities; issues of sexual, physical or emotional abuse and/or trauma (rape or incest, for instance); confusion about sexual orientation; lack of sexual or social self-confidence.

Surrogate and Client Interactions

Learning how to develop healthy intimate relationships; how to touch and to receive touch; how to be more accepting of one’s body and sexuality are important aspects of this process. Care is taken to assure that the client is ready for each new step as client and surrogate gradually progress through experiences that are simultaneously diagnostic, skill building, and healing. The surrogate partner models appropriate social skills, sensuality, and effective communication. The surrogate-client relationship also offers experiences of shared physical intimacy which facilitate work on client’s sexual self-concept and sexual functioning. As the work progresses, clients find themselves becoming more relaxed, more open to feelings, and more comfortable with physical and emotional intimacy.

The involvement of the team therapist, a licensed and/or certified professional with an advanced degree, is a cornerstone of this therapy process. Sessions with the therapist are interwoven with the surrogate partner sessions in order to facilitate understanding and change.

Often clients experience apprehension as they begin therapy and when they begin to experience changes. The team therapist supervises the therapy and assists the client with these and other emotional issues.

Surrogate Partner Therapist Training

Although there are no specific academic degrees required of a surrogate partner, there are certain qualities and life experiences which seem to provide valuable background to surrogate work. These include: comfort with one’s own body and sexuality, warmth, compassion, empathy and intelligence. Non-judgmental attitudes, toward others’ choice of lifestyle, consensual sexual activities, and sexual orientation, are important.

Emotional maturity and the ability to function effectively in complex intimate relationships are essential in a surrogate. There is a wide range in surrogates’ experience, physical appearance and age. Physical appearance and age are usually the least important criteria and it is often desirable to discourage meeting the client’s “ideal” in order to provide optimal learning for the client about “real” relationship with “real” people.

A surrogate has completed an accredited training program in the art of sexuality including human physiology, open communication, psychological and relationship issues. She has studied the skills of intimacy, in many cases, more intensively than many counselors in human sexuality

If you want to experience more open communication and vibrant sensuality, partnering with a surrogate can often be the perfect connection..

As a surrogate partner therapist . . .

I can help you develop your skills through physical and emotional intimacy. I can guide you through the process of how to open to the peak experience of pleasure by becoming more effective socially and sexually. I can assist you in different areas that may effect your ability to maintain relationships including intimacy, building confidence, communicating feelings openly, performance anxiety, lack of desire and sexual inhibitions.

I have trained with the International Professional Surrogates Association based in Los Angeles. I also have an extensive background in other sexuality programs including tantra and other traditional sexuality teachings and knowledge. I teach in programs throughout the world, as well as providing individual sessions and intensives.

The program is based on one-to-one gentle instruction in “sensate focus” a specialized technique of relaxed touching developed by sex researchers Masters & Johnson. Sensate focus enables you to more fully present in the moment — to enjoy every moment of touch with complete relaxation, clear focus and heightened sensory awareness.

Sensate focus is so effective because you learn to enjoy enhanced pleasure not only for your partner but, just as importantly, for yourself. There is no performance pressure which you may have experienced with your partner. There are no demands or expectations — just pure pleasure.

Sensate focus includes a myriad of different sensory experiences, awakening each part of the body with heightened stimulation, with each session building upon the next in terms of depth and closeness. The sensory journey is intended to help you overcome problems that may have dampened your experiences in the past, inhibiting the full expression of your sensuality.

Email me at mukee@masterejaculation.com



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